Check out this Podcast featuring Wise Woman Danielle Yates and her mindful approach to Talent Development here.
Look up and savor the awe!
The science behind one of my personal favorite practices - being in the presence of something vast that transcends one’s understanding of the world. Check out the article here.
Mindful relationship and Intentional mindset in the spotlight.
Mindful relationship and Intentional mindset in the spotlight. Research suggests that building optimism about the future increases your happiness and paves the way for stronger and more fulfilling connections. Check out the link here.
4 Breaths to Calm
“Rhythmic breathing is a good stress-reducing exercise that doesn’t take too much practice to start using”. Check out the article here.
The Contagious Mindset
Why intentional mindset matters: Your Emotions at Work Are Contagious. Check the article out here.
Claim the Moment, Tame your Digital Device
Tame the digital beast: Scramble your screen!
Our devices hold out the false promise that there is something more important, more urgent, and more interesting than our present-moment experience.” Check out the article here.
Turn it OFF! Mindful Device Management
Most people believe that it’s not OK to use smartphones during social events, and 82 percent believe that smartphone use at social gatherings actually hurts conversations. Check out the article here.
Negativity Bias: Take it Easy on Yourself
From the Godfather of positive neural plasticity: Richie Davidson on negativity bias and why you should stop being so hard on yourself. Check out the article here.